Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Moon DVD Release


Midnight was the release of the New Moon DVD, New Moon of course being the Second movie based on the ... Hit ( pause to keep from barfing ).... Twilight book series. Now before I get drowned in a sea of complaint e-mails, let me explain myself. As a series written for teens; it has merit, I understand LDS (Mormon) member and author Stephanie Meyers even went so far as to cleverly hide lessons in the story for her readers. Now even she had only researched what she was writing about.
Let me repeat myself, as a teen drama it has merit, as any sort of a VAMPIRE story; it fails miserably. I watched the first Twilight movie, and I did enjoy it, as long as I viewed it for what it was, a movie suitable for my teenage daughter and her friends. And then New Moon, the second in the series was released, and with this story werewolves were added to the mix. Were-huh? within context on the story it is very easy to realize that Jacob is not a werewolf, not in the traditional sense. Jacob Black and his family are Shape Changers, but not Werewolves. The Twilight series are good books, and now the movies are developing a following they do deserve; But they have no relationship to the Horror Genre.
Now then, on to the release party. My family and I arrived at the local FYE for the Midnight release of New Moon on DVD, joining dozens of others. As we waited we were treated to0 a live band, that went by the name of Fart; punch, cookies and mini cupcakes and got to hang with a bunch of really cool people.


I'll review the New Moon DVD.

Monday, March 15, 2010


This Saturday on CRAGG live, Terry and Tiffany DuFoe will be presenting an interview with legendary film maker Rodger Corman. Mr. Corman has literally produced hundreds of motion pictures, directed dozens more, and also worked as an actor. Please tune into Cult Radio A Go-Go for this once in a life time interview

CRAGG Live can be heard on ITune, Windows Media, and many other formates. DONT MISS IT.