Monday, August 9, 2010

Enough is Enough


NEW YORK – William Shatner, of all people, stands at the center of television's latest moral battleground.

He's the cantankerous lead character in a new CBS sitcom, "(Bleep) My Dad Says," that is scheduled to air on Thursday nights. Rather than "bleep," the title uses a series of symbols that suggest the expletive included in the book title on which the series is based.

The Parents Television Council last week sent letters to 340 companies that advertise frequently on TV urging them to stay away from the show unless the name is changed. The group argues that the title is indecent."

What are these people smoking and why are they being allowed to tell me what I can and can't watch on television. The Title of the new series is "@#$% My Dad Says" and is based on the book titled "SHIT My Dad says"(Emphases Mine). Now if I'm not mistaken this is not the sixties were the use of any profanity can get you thrown in jail, and there are only three channels. In fact, regularly on cable these days you can see plenty of FUCKING and TITS, two of the words that got George Carlin thrown in jail for saying on the radio (emphases mine again :) ) .

Over the past decade or so all these groups have popped up tell us what we can and can't do, what we can and can't see, or say. I for one am more than a little insulted. Way back when I first started this blog I wrote on this same subject, and my views haven't changed much. These are small groups of people that take great enjoyment out of bullying our media, our companies and our government into telling us what we can and can't do.

Well I've got news for them. I will not listen and they should all just SHUT THE FUCK UP and quit trying to force their views and morals and antiquated ideas on everyone else. I now return you to our regularly scheduled blog :P

1 comment:

  1. So, it doesn't actually say the word, just @#$%? And people are having a fit over that? Now, if memory serves correctly, they said a few choice words on NYPD Blue and showed a few choice body parts as well, so why the upset over a word that's not even there? simply because it's implied? that happens over and over in prime time, the word isn't said, but bleeped or implied. If it's not actually in the title, who really cares?
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, it is America. They are entitled to theirs, you are entitled to yours, and I am entitled to mine, but none of us need to go around making a mountain out of a mole hill, as it seems they may be doing.
    Dreaded Dreams
    Petunia Scareum
